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What Is Tag In Html

Written By Durgesh on Friday 15 June 2012 | 09:06

Tag in HTML is written in given format

HTML markup tags are usually called HTML tags
  • HTML tags are keywords (tag names) surrounded by angle brackets like <html>
  • HTML tags normally come in pairs like <b> and </b>
  • The first tag in a pair is the start tag, the second tag is the end tag
  • The end tag is written like the start tag, with a forward slash before the tag name
  • Start and end tags are also called opening tags and closing tags
We will discuss so many tag in our tutorial 

What is Html

HTML is a language for describing web pages.
  • HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language
  • HTML is not a programming language, it is a markup language
  • A markup language is a set of markup tags
  • The purpose of the tags are to describe page content

Basic in Html

Basic in html is


<h1>My First Heading</h1>

<p>My first paragraph.</p>



  •  <html> and </html> describes the web page
  •  <body> and </body> is the visible page content written in this section 
  •  <h1> and </h1> is displayed as a heading
  •  <p> and </p> is displayed as a paragraph

Html tutorial Learn Every thing about html

Introduction  To HTML

With Html We Can Create Our Site ,
In this tutorial we will learn every thing about html And after reading all tutorial of this Blog you will able to create your own website with html 

We will divide our tutorial in basic HTML And advance HTML

Html Basically written in given format 


<h1>My First Heading</h1>

<p>My first paragraph.</p>


Shorting of Array using insertion short

Written By Durgesh on Thursday 1 March 2012 | 07:27

i am posting a shorting of array by using insertion short here logic behind insertion short id that  first element will compare with second and if first element is grater then second it will swap lets we know this by this image tutorial

let we see how we can implement in our program

void main()
 int A[20], N, Temp, i, j;
 printf("\n\n\t ENTER THE NUMBER OF TERMS...: ");
 scanf("%d", &N);
 printf("\n\t ENTER THE ELEMENTS OF THE ARRAY...:");
 for(i=0; i<N; i++)
  scanf("\n\t\t%d", &A[i]);
 for(i=1; i<N; i++)
  Temp = A[i];
  j = i-1;
  while(Temp<A[j] && j>=0)
   A[j+1] = A[j];
   j = j-1;
  A[j+1] = Temp;
 printf("\n\tTHE ASCENDING ORDER LIST IS...:\n");
 for(i=0; i<N; i++)
  printf("\n\t\t\t%d", A[i]);

what is swirch case in c++

in my lasrt article i told you about function in c++ now this time to know what is switch in c++
Actually Switch case statements are a substitute for long if statements that compare a variable to several "integral" values.
 lets see what is integral value ??
"integral" values are simply values that can be expressed as an integer, such as the value of a char.
 The value of the variable given into switch is compared to the value following each of the cases, and when one value matches the value of the variable, the computer continues executing the program from that point.

know how we write case
int a = 20;
int b = 30;
int c = 20;

switch ( a ) {
case b:
// Code
case c:
// Code
// Code

Switch statements serves as a simple way to write long if statements when the requirements are met
here  default case is optional, but you can write  it as it handles any unexpected cases
let us see by example by which you can know how will use switch case in your  program

#include <iostream>

void playgame()
cout << "Play game called";
void loadgame()
cout << "Load game called";
void playmultiplayer()
cout << "Play multiplayer game called";

int main()
int input;

cout<<"1. Play game\n";
cout<<"2. Load game\n";
cout<<"3. Play multiplayer\n";
cout<<"4. Exit\n";
cout<<"Selection: ";
cin>> input;
switch ( input ) {
case 1: // Note the colon, not a semicolon
case 2: // Note the colon, not a semicolon
case 3: // Note the colon, not a semicolon
case 4: // Note the colon, not a semicolon
cout<<"Thank you for playing!\n";
default: // Note the colon, not a semicolon
cout<<"Error, bad input, quitting\n";
if you have any question about it feel free to ask  

Function in c++ full tutorial about function

privious tutorial we know about c++ and variable in c++ in we know what is function and how we use  function in c++
In general, functions are blocks of code that perform a number of pre-defined commands to accomplish something productive
The most important functional (Pun semi-intended) question is why do we need a function? Functions have many uses. For example, a programmer may have a block of code that he has repeated forty times throughout the program. A function to execute that code would save a great deal of space, and it would also make the program more readable. Also, having only one copy of the code makes it easier to make changes. Would you rather make forty little changes scattered all throughout a potentially large program, or one change to the function body? 

When the programmer actually defines the function, it will begin with the prototype, minus the semi-colon. Then there should always be a block with the code that the function is to execute, just as you would write it for the main function. Any of the arguments passed to the function can be used as if they were declared in the block. Finally, end it all with a cherry and a closing brace. Okay, maybe not a cherry.

Let's look at an example program:

#include <iostream.h>

int mult ( int x, int y );

int main()
int x;
int y;

cout<<"Please input two numbers to be multiplied: ";
cin>> x >> y;
cout<<"The product of your two numbers is "<< mult ( x, y ) <<"\n";

int mult ( int x, int y )
return x * y;
The mult function is actually defined below main. Due to its prototype 
being above main, the compiler still recognizes it as being defined, and
so the compiler will not give an error about mult being undefined. As
long as the prototype is present, a function can be used even if there
is no definition. However, the code cannot be run without a definition
even though it will compile. The prototype and definition can be
combined into one also. If mult were defined before it is used, we could
do away with the prototype because the definition can act as a
prototype as well.

Return is the keyword used to force the function to return a value. Note
it is possible to have a function that returns no value. If a function
void, the return statement is valid, but only if it does not have an
expression. In other words, for a function that returns void, the
statement "return;" is legal, but redundant.





Alam Nyata

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